Conference Sponsors
Please mark April 14 and 15, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. each day, on your calendar for the next WSU College of Nursing Urban Health Conference, which will be held virtually using the Whova event app and Zoom.
2021 Sponsors
The WSU College of Nursing is grateful for its 2021 Contemporary Issues in Urban Health: Social Determinants of Health and Intersectionality in Vulnerable Populations conference sponsors, including:
Gold level
Silver level
2021 Sponsorship Application
There are several levels of sponsorship currently available. Those interested in sponsoring the 2021 conference may complete and return the Sponsor Application or contact:
Terrel White, Philanthropy Officer
Development Office, 131 Richard Cohn Building
College of Nursing
Wayne State University
5557 Cass Avenue
Detroit, MI 48202
Phone (313) 577-6251